"Central Park Real Estate" d.o.o. za nekretnine Sarajevo je osnovan 2006. godine pod nazivom BBI Real Estate d.o.o. za nekretnine Sarajevo. Promjenom vlasničkog kapitala 2023. godine dolazi i do promjene naziva firme u "Central Park Real Estate" d.o.o. za nekretnine Sarajevo. Osnovni cilj kompanije bio je realizovati projekt BBI Centra, sada ARIA mall, višenamjenski objekat sa maloprodajnim, gastronomskim, uredskim prostorima, te skladištima i podzemnim parkingom. Kasnije je kompanija realizovala i druge projekte nekretnina. Danas je "Central Park Real Estate" d.o.o. za nekretnine Sarajevo prvenstveno usmjeren na razvoj i realizaciju maloprodajnih, uredskih i stambenih projekata u Bosni i Hercegovini. "Central Park Real Estate " d.o.o. Sarajevo upošljava 22 stručne osobe, od kojih je nekoliko zaduženo za upravljanje ARIA mall-a, dok su ostali angažirani i na drugim projektima kompanije.
In a very short period of existence, the company "Central Park Real Estate" Ltd. Sarajevo has shown significant success in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian market. With its largest project, BBI Center, now ARIA mall, it has set new standards in the construction of shopping centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2010, it found itself on the list of "100 largest companies in BiH" in the category of small and medium-sized enterprises. The list is published annually by "Poslovne novine" in Sarajevo, and "Central Park Real Estate" Ltd., formerly "BBI Real Estate" Ltd., also received an award for the largest investment in 2009 in the category of medium-sized enterprises. "Central Park Real Estate" Ltd. Sarajevo, together with the Government of the Sarajevo Canton, is the recipient of the ReStore Award at the European Shopping Centre Awards 2011, organized by the International Council of Shopping Centers.
In a very short period of existence, the company "Central Park Real Estate" Ltd. Sarajevo has shown significant success in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian market. With its largest project, BBI Center, now ARIA mall, it has set new standards in the construction of shopping centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In 2010, it found itself on the list of "100 largest companies in BiH" in the category of small and medium-sized enterprises. The list is published annually by "Poslovne novine" in Sarajevo, and "Central Park Real Estate" Ltd., formerly "BBI Real Estate" Ltd., also received an award for the largest investment in 2009 in the category of medium-sized enterprises. "Central Park Real Estate" Ltd. Sarajevo, together with the Government of the Sarajevo Canton, is the recipient of the ReStore Award at the European Shopping Centre Awards 2011, organized by the International Council of Shopping Centers.
Our Mission
Our Vission
Our Value
We believe in a business based on sincere and ethical principles of reliability.
About usWe believe in a professional approach full of attention, respect, and fairness.
ProjectsWe create lasting value for all our key stakeholders: our customers, employees, the local community, and founders.
Contact usWe highly value the contribution of our colleagues as well as the effort they make every day in order to keep our standards of excellence. Our dedication to teamwork is a guarantee of our efficiency and other competitive advantages.
“CENTRAL PARK REAL ESTATE” d.o.o. za nekretnine Sarajevo
Trg djece Sarajeva 1/VIII
71000 Sarajevo, Bosna i Hercegovina
tel: + 387 33 560 500
fax: + 387 33 560 501